Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Prescribed Body Corporate – Healing Country Grant. (Old ID 27926)

Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples Prescribed Body Corporate Aboriginal Corporation

Principal Investigator


This project will adopt a collaborative partnership approach with TropWATER and the Reef Restoration Foundation to build the skills, knowledge and experiences of Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples for mapping, monitoring and assessing Sea Country. This collaborative approach will incorporate an Indigenous Knowledge perspective with Western science to help ensure that Traditional Owners are empowered to lead Reef restoration work, and to make and contribute to informed decisions about managing their Sea Country. Through co-designed workshops and training—both on and off Country—rangers will learn species and habitat identification and survey methods, will undertake baseline.


14 Sep 2022 - 30 Dec 2023

Project Type



Seagrass;Network;Ranger;Traditional Owner;Capacity building

Funding Body

Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples Prescribed Body Corporate Aboriginal Corporation



Project Team

Rob Coles;Lloyd Shepherd;Katie Chartrand;Luke Hoffmann;Paul Leeson