Gladstone Ports Corporation, Develop and implement a seagrass monitoring program for Gladstone Port Corporation to monitor and report on the condition and health of seagrass communities and other benthic habitats in the ports. Research has included remote sensing techniques to monitor dugong feeding trails on intertidal seagrass meadows in Port Curtis and Rodds Bay to gain a better understanding of the behaviour and feeding ecology of these endangered species.
Skye McKenna
(Principal Research Officer)
Gladstone Ports Corporation
Type of Engagement
Other - Specify
Develop and implement a seagrass monitoring program for Gladstone Port Corporation to monitor and report on the condition and health of seagrass communities and other benthic habitats in the ports. Research has included remote sensing techniques to monitor dugong feeding trails on intertidal seagrass meadows in Port Curtis and Rodds Bay to gain a better understanding of the behaviour and feeding ecology of these endangered species.