Karma Yeshi
- karma.yeshi@jcu.edu.au
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
I currently work as a researcher in Dr. Wangchuk's research group at the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) under the College of Public Health, Medical, and Veterinary Sciences (CPHMVS) at James Cook University. My research is focused on finding novel treatments for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) from natural products of Australian Wet Tropics in Far North Queensland.
After completing my master's degree in India, I pursued a PhD at James Cook University (Cairns campus), Australia. During my doctoral studies, I collaborated with the Australian Indigenous Community (Mbabaram community) in Atherton Tableland to discover novel anti-inflammatory drug leads from their medicinal plants. Moreover, I have also explored endemic plants from the Wet Tropics region in Far North Queensland and parasitic worms for their biodiscovery potential using different natural product isolation techniques, including the 'omics' platform. From my PhD project, I have identified three potential drug leads for IBD, which are currently under preparation for the full patent.