Janelle James
- janelle.james@jcu.edu.au
- Casual Research Fellow
Dr Janelle James-McAlpine is a registered midwife and Women’s Health Research Capacity Building Fellow with the Tropical Australia Academic Health Centre (TAAHC). Instrumental in the coordination and development of a comprehensive and collaborative women's health research network from Mackay to Mount Isa, Janelle also complements her strong early-career research profile with project management and clinical practice experience across multiple jurisdictions in urban, regional, and remote locations. These foundations have resulted in an understanding of the challenges faced by pregnant women and practitioners in terms of continuity of health assessment and the implementation of primary health strategies to improve maternal health and birth outcomes. Responsible for the foundational research relating to nutrition and birth outcomes in pregnant women of South-East Queensland, Janelle’s research is now underway in women of Queensland’s Far North, encompassing strategic partnerships between TAAHC, James Cook University, the Cairns and Hinterland Health Services and Mookai Rosie Bi-Bayan, a Cairns landmark facility providing maternity care by mob, for mob to women from Cape York communities.