





Contact Details

Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies


    I am an historian of science and technology specializing in the history of the life sciences and the history of information technology. My first book, Life out of sequence: a data driven history of bioinformatics (Chicago, 2013), examined the transformational role of computers and databases in recent biology. I am also the author of Biotechnology and society: an introduction (Chicago, 2016) and the co-editor (with Sarah Richardson) of Postgenomics: Perspectives on Biology After the Genome (Duke, 2015).

    My work crosses between history and anthropology and more recently I have written about the political and social impacts of artificial intelligence, big data, and surveillance technologies, particularly in an Asian context. I am currently completing a book about the rise of the life sciences in China.

    For more details about my current projects, interests, and publications see:


    Research Interests

    history of life sciences

    history of information technology

    science, technology and society (STS)


    Taught Modules
    Current JCU Research Students
    Kelso Field Uprising: African-Americans in North Queensland 1942-1945.
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Contemporary Kalkatungu Art, Kuathuat the Rainbow Serpent and Relational Cultural Integrity
    Doctorate by Research - time-based
    Palliative Medicine Pioneers: A Window into the History and Development of Palliative Care in Australia
    Doctorate by Research - time-based




    Stevens, Hallam (2023) Teleview and the aspirations of the infrastructural state in Singapore. Honolulu, HI, USA: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam; Chan, Jiahui (2022) Computing Nanyang: information technology in a developing Singa. Baltimore, MD, USA: ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2020) Transfish: The multiple origins of transgenic salmon. Cham, Switzerland: [DOI] ...
    Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam; Ruperti, Yvonne (2024) 'Smart food: novel foods, food security, and the Smart Natio. Food, Culture and Society, 27 (3):754-774. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2023) 'Code and Critique: Ted Nelson’s Project Xanadu and the Politics of New Media. Osiris, 38 (1):245-264. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2022) 'The business machine in biology: the commercialization of AI in the life sci. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 44 (1):8-19. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Addison, Courtney; Stevens, Hallam (2022) 'Crowdfunding Conservation Science: Tracing the Participat. Science, Technology & Human Values, 47 (3):568-596. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Jasanoff, Sheila; McGonigle, Ian; Stevens, Hallam (2021) 'Science and Technology for Humanity: An ST. East Asian Science, Technology and Socie, 15 (1):68-78. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2021) 'From RangKoM and JARING to the Internet: visions and practices of electronic. Internet Histories, 5 (3-4):230-247. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Ratan, Rabindra; Earle, Kelsey; Rosenthal, Sonny; Hua Chen, Vivian Hsueh; Gambino, Andrew; Goggin, G...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam; Haines, Monamie Bhadra (2020) 'Trace together: Pandemic response, democracy, and te. East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 14 (3):523-532. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2019) 'Open data, closed government: Unpacking'. First Monday, 24 (4). [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2019) 'The Quotidian Labour of High Tech: Innovation and Ordinary Work in Shenzhen'. Science, Technology & Society, 24 (2):218-236. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2018) 'Evidence-based medicine from a social science perspective'. Australian Journal of General Practice, 47 (12):889-892. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2018) 'Starting up biology in China: performances of life at BGI'. Osiris, 33 (1):85-106. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2018) 'Hans Peter Luhn and the birth of the hashing algorithm'. IEEE Spectrum, 55 (2):44-49. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2018) 'Globalizing Genomics: The Origins of the International Nucleotide Sequence D. Journal of the History of Biology, 51 (4):657-691. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2017) 'A feeling for the algorithm: Working knowledge and big data in biology'. Osiris, 32 (1):151-174. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2016) 'Hadooping the genome: The impact of big data tools on biology'. BioSocieties, 11 :352-371. [DOI] ...
    Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2023) 'Who really invented the thumb drive?: The Ubiquitous USB Gadget is the Brain IEEE Spectrum, 60 (2) :26-31. [DOI] ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2023) 'A mammoth meatball hints at a future of exotic lab-grown meats, but the real The Conversation, 6 April 2023 . ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2022) 'When to stop learning from Singapore: data, surveillance and Australian busi New Mandala, 03 November 2022 . ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Mak, Bonnie; Stevens, Hallam (2021) 'The campus after COVID-19: infrastructures of “innovation” have Public Seminar, 4 March 2021 . ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Jones, Kathryn Maxson; Cook-Deegan, Robert; Rotimi, Charles N.; Callier, Shawneequa L.; Bentley, Amy...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Arora, Payal; Stevens, Hallam (2019) 'Data-driven models of governance across borders: Datafication First Monday, 24 (4) . [DOI] ...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Reardon, Jenny; Ankeny, Rachel A.; Bangham, Jenny; Darling, Katherine W.; Hilgartner, Stephen; Jones...
    Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
    Stevens, Hallam (2016) Biotechnology and Society: An introduction. Chicago, IL, USA: Chicago University Press. ...