







Dr Wayne Bradshaw is Research Services Officer at the Eddie Koiki Mabo Library in Townsville. In this role he works closely with researchers from across JCU on a range of topics including publication strategies, open access publishing, research output classification, and use of JCU's online institutional repository, ResearchOnline@JCU. In addition to his role in the library, Wayne is an Adjunct Research Associate and active researcher in the College of Arts, Society and Education, with degrees in both English and Politics.

Wayne's primary research focus is the historical influence of radical political philosophy on trends in literature, and his first book, The Ego Made Manifest: Max Stirner, Egoism, and the Modern Manifesto, was published by Bloomsbury in 2023. This is the first study to examine Max Stirner's contribution to the development of artistic and political manifestos in the early twentieth century, and has been described by Emeritus Professor John Carroll as "a masterpiece in the history of ideas."

Currently, Wayne is working on multiple research projects examining the Angry Penguins literary group in Adelaide in the 1940s; the intellectual heritage of anarchism in northern Queensland; and the role of the Antipodean poet and radical, Arthur Desmond, in popularising philosophical egoism internationally in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries.


Interview with James de Llis for the Hermitix podcast

Interview with Christopher Satoor for the Young Idealist podcast


Research Interests

Modernist and avant-garde literature; Manifesto writing; Max Stirner; Arthur Desmond; Max Harris; Angry Penguins


Current JCU Research Students
Gendered Violence in the Tropical Pacific: The Use of Storytelling to Address Global Social Inequality
Doctorate by Research - time-based




Bradshaw, Wayne; Lucas, Helen (2021) Encountering the History of Catholic Education in the Tow...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2021) The ego made manifest: Max Stirner, egoism and the avant-garde literary...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2018) Ego-terrorism: The benefit of an anarcho-psychological perspective of t...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2024) 'Book Review of W.E.H. Stanner: Selected Writings by W.E.H. Stanner. Melbo...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2023) 'Book Review of Childhood: A Memoir by Shannon Burns. Melbourne, Australia...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2022) 'The North of the South' Sudo Journal, 4 :31-36. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2022) 'Editor’s Introduction' Sudo Journal, 4 :1-2. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2020) 'Editor’s Introduction' Sudo Journal, 2 :8-9. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2019) 'Editor’s Introduction' Sudo Journal, 1 :1-3. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Menteur, M. (2021) A Proposal to Improve the Prospects of Arts Graduates in Australia, and for...
Creative Works ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2024) Australian Literary Convention 2024: Chaos and Order Gone Bung: Athur Des...
Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2021) AHA Conference 2021: ‘Unfinished Business’ On building a Church in the no...
Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2019) BAMS International Conference 2019: Troublesome Modernisms Fighting for t...
Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2018) EAM 2018: Realisms of the Avant-Garde The Ego in the Crowd. Competing Rea...
Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2015) TASA 2015: Neoliberalism and Contemporary Challenges for the Asia-Pacific More
Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Bradshaw, Wayne (2023) The Ego Made Manifest: Max Stirner, Egoism, and the Modern ManifestoMore