Emily Callander
- emily.callander@jcu.edu.au
- Adjunct Professorial Research Fellow
My personal research interests are in methods for measuring the equality and equity of health care and health outcomes, and the impact of health and health care on patient’s living standards. This includes assessing patient out of pocket costs, patient economic resources and the distribution of health outcomes across different socioeconomic groups using panel survey data and administrative data. I am leading a team of health economists who specialise in embedding these equity considerations, and patient perspective of healthcare costs and outcomes into the economic evaluation of health programs. I have strong quantitative analysis skills, with extensive experience in modelling health and healthcare costs using SAS. My team has expertise in administrative data analysis, data linkage and biostatistics.
My team currently consists of 1 postdoctoral researcher, 2 research fellows, 2 research assistants, 8 PhD students, and 1 Masters student.
I have published over 100 peer reviewed publications in highly regarded journals (such as Nature Reviews Rheumatology, Archives of Disease in Childhood, British Journal of Pyschiatry, International Journal of Cardiology, Arthritis and Rheumatology and Health Economics). I have attracted over $10 million in grant funding ($6.39 million from NHMRC). My work has been presented at the National Press Club, numerous addresses to national and international government agencies, and been cited in Federal healthcare policy statements.