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Kyall Zenger








Kyall R. Zenger PhD, MSc(Hons), BAppSc, GradDipLS, GradCertTMLP has more than 20 years’ experience conducting research and teaching within the disciplines of applied animal production and quantitative / evolutionary genetics on both aquatic and terrestrial animals.

Prof. Zenger was awarded his PhD with Vice Chancellor's commendation in animal genetics from Macquarie University in 2002. Prof. Zenger’s early career research (1997-2007) encompassing genomic investigations and quantitative analyses across a diverse array of both terrestrial and aquatic animal models has provided him with the necessary skills to apply this expertise in the field of aquaculture genetic. In 2008, Prof. Zenger joined the Centre for Sustainable Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture (CSTFA) as a Senior Researcher at James Cook University. Since this date, he has been building many large genomics projects, including advanced genomic selection (ie., GEBVs) of diverse aquatic species, and has successfully acquired research funding in excess of $13 million. Prof. Zenger’s experience working directly with industry has provided him with the capacity to bridge both applied and pure basic research areas while ensuring maximum returns on both. In 2014, he accepted the position of Deputy director of ARC Research Hub for Advanced Prawn Breeding, and heads other major R&D programs including ARC linkage project on Advanced Breeding in Silver lipped pearl oyster.

Prof. Zenger teaching responsibilities encompass his core research strengths of animal genetics and applied animal production at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Prof. Zenger currently supervises 14 PhD students, and maintains a diverse group of research associates through his ongoing collaborations. He is the current Aquaculture course program coordinator and Head of Aquaculture academic group within the College of Science and Engineering at James Cook University.