
Euijoon Ahn







Contact Details

Senior Lecturer


I am a Senior Lecturer at the College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Computer Science, The University of Sydney.

I obtained my PhD degree in Computer Science (medical image analysis) from The University of Sydney in 2020. I received B. IT degree from The University of Newcastle, Australia, 2009 and M. IT (2014) and MPhil (2016) degree from The University of Sydney.

I have produced top-tier publications in the area of computer vision and medical image computing, including papers in IEEE T-MI, T-BME, JBHI, MedIA, PR, CVPR, AAAI and MICCAI. I am a regular reviewer for IEEE T-PAMI, T-MI, Nature Communications, CVPR, MICCAI and ISBI.

I am always looking for highly-motivated undergraduate (Honours) and postgraduate students (MPhil and PhD). Please send me your CV and transcripts.

Available / Current Projects

Unsupervised / Self-supervised learning for Image Classification and Object Recognition

The availability of large-scale annotated image datasets and recent advances in supervised deep learning methods have made important breakthroughs in natural scene analysis, visual object detection / classification and medical image analysis. These deep learning approaches, however, require large labelled training data (e.g., ImageNet archive with over 1 million images) and the labelling must be done manually which is costly, slow, and can be subjective / prone to errors if specialised skills are required. This project aims to study various techniques of unsupervised / self-supervised learning representation learning, and to develop new approaches for various applications (e.g., computer-aided diagnosis) in the medical imaging domain (X-ray, Ultrasound, microscopy, MRI, CT, PET-CT).

A Deep Learning Framework for Hidden Pattern Discovery

This project aims to develop a machine learning framework, which is not dependent on labelled data, to discover hidden patterns within data. These ‘hidden patterns’ represent meaningful new knowledge. Existing machine learning methods learn data features that are directly associated with labels and require large amounts of labelled data. This project expects to develop an unsupervised deep learning framework that will learn features that are independent of labels from large unlabelled image data archives. The expected outcome is a novel image analytic framework that can be applied to a range of scientific applications.

Telehealth – AI-enabled Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) has seen tremendous uptake in usage due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and transition to remote patient care, and with it, a rapid rise in the development of new technologies. In an RPM setting, accurate remote measurement of vital signs such as heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and temperature are essential in accurate diagnosis and screening of diseases. Current measurement methods, however, are constrained by wearable sensors or inflatable cuff-based devices that could be inconvenient, uncomfortable and are subject to variability. Development of a system that can measure such vital signs conveniently and comfortably, in a contactless and COVID-safe manner, is therefore of important requirement for use in RPM. This project aims to develop AI-enabled deep learning techniques that estimate vital signs using facial videos.


Research Interests

Keywords: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Science, Medical Image Analysis, Health Informatics, Telehealth

My research focus is on the development of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Computer Vision and, more specifically, unsupervised and self-supervised deep learning models for biomedical image analysis, for improving image segmentation, retrieval, quantification and classification without relying on labelled data.

I also work at the coalface of translational health technology researches, e.g., health data analytics and telehealth.



Taught Modules
Current JCU Research Students
Species Classification using deep learning-Based signal processing techniques in natural soundscapes
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology)
Enhancing Explainability in Large Language Models through Attention Visualization and Rule-Based Explanation.
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology)
Robust Large Languages Modes (LLMs) for Low Resource languages
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology)
Blending Learning Streams: Novel Machine Learning Frameworks for Combining Modalities
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering and Related Technologies)
Lightweight Self-supervised Learning for Image Classification and Object Recognition
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology)
Current Honours and External Research Students
Text-to-Dermoscopy Image Generation
A Multi-Resolution Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Semantic Segmentation in Histopathology
PHD- 2022
Multi-modal Medical Image Analysis for Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
PHD- 2022
Multi-Phase and Hierarchical Unsupervised Learning Framework for Glioblastoma Sub-Region Segmentation in MRI Sequences
TQGDNet: Coronary Artery Calcium Deposit Detection on Computed Tomography
PHD- 2021
Empowering Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with mHealth and AI
Automated 3D Segmantation of Kidneys and Tumors
A deep learning approach for ultrasound image analysis
Completed Honours and External Research Students
Self-supervised Learning Framework for Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using Spatiotemporal Augmentation
A deep learning approach to localisation tasks in medical images
Early Detection of Mental Health-Related Disorders Using Recurrent Neural Networks and Visualisation in Emergency Departments
Teaching Grants




Zhou, Yusheng; Li, Hao; Liu, Jianan; Kong, Zhengmin; Huang, Tao; Ahn, Euijoon; Lv, Zhihan; Kim, Jinm...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Saha, Anindo; Bosma, Joeran S; Twilt, Jasper J; van Ginneken, Bram; Bjartell, Anders; Padhani, Anwar...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Wang, Hao; Ahn, Euijoon; Kim, Jinman (2024) 'A multi-resolution self-supervised learning framework f. Pattern Recognition, 155 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Zhou, Yusheng; Kong, Zhengmin; Huang, Tao; Ahn, Euijoon; Li, Hao; Ding, Li (2024) 'WaveletDFDS-Net: . Electronics, 13 . [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Liu, Jianan; Li, Hao; Huang, Tao; Ahn, Euijoon; Han, Kang; Razi, Adeel; Xiang, Wei; Kim, Jinman; Fen...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Napier, Thomas; Ahn, Euijoon; Allen-Ankins, Slade; Schwarzkopf, Lin; Lee, Ickjai (2024) 'Advancement. Expert Sy, 252 (Pa...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Kong, Zhengmin; Ouyang, Hui; Cao, Yiyuan; Huang, Tao; Ahn, Euijoon; Zhang, Maoqi; Liu, Hunan (2023) ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Jiang, C.; Yuan, Y.; Gu, B.; Ahn, E.; Kim, J.; Feng, D.; Huang, Q.; Song, S. (2023) 'Preoperative pr. Clinical Radi, 78 (9):687-...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Wang, Wei-Chien; Ahn, Euijoon; Feng, Dagan; Kim, Jinman (2023) 'A Review of Predictive and Contrasti. Machine Intelligence Research, 20 (4):483-512. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Liu, Na; Parekh, Tej; Patel, Ronak; Baldacchino, Tanya; Mullavey, Tracy; Robinson, Ama...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Baird, Christine; Oytam, Yalchin; Rahman, Khairunnessa; Fornasari, Marja; Sharma, Anita; Kim, Jinman...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Kumar, Ashnil; Fulham, Michael; Feng, Dagan; Kim, Jinman (2020) 'Unsupervised domain a. IEEE Transactions o, 39 (7):2385-2394....
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Kumar, Ashnil; Fulham, Michael; Feng, Dagan; Kim, Jinman (2019) 'Convolutional sparse . Medical Image Analy, 56 :140-151. [DO ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Bi, Lei; Kim, Jinman; Ahn, Euijoon; Kumar, Ashnil; Feng, Dagan; Fulham, Michael (2019) 'Step-wise in. Pattern Re, 85 :78-8...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Kim, Jinman; Rahman, Khairunnessa; Baldacchino, Tanya; Baird, Christine (2018) 'Develo. BMJ , 8 ...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Bi, Lei; Kim, Jinman; Ahn, Euijoon; Kumar, Ashnil; Fulham, Michael; Feng, Dagan (2017) 'Dermoscopic . IEEE Trans, 64 (9):2...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Kim, Jinman; Bi, Lei; Kumar, Ashnil; Li, Changyang; Fulham, Michael; Feng, David Dagan...
Journal Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Napier, Thomas; Ahn, Euijoon; Allen-Ankins, Slade; Lee, Ickjai (2023) AI 2023: Advances in Artificia...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Zhou, Shijia; Ahn, Euijoon; Wang, Hao; Quinton, Ann; Kennedy, Narelle; Sridar, Pradeeba; Nanan, Ralp...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Yuan, Yuan; Ahn, Euijoon; Feng, Dagan; Khadra, Mohamad; Kim, Jinman (2023) 2023 45th Annual Internat...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Zhou, Shijia; Sridar, Pradeeba; Kennedy, Narelle June; Quinton, Anne; Ahn, Euijoon; Nanan, Ralph; Ki...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Wang, Hao; Ahn, Euijoon; Kim, Jinman (2022) AAAI-22: 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Feng, Dagan; Kim, Jinman (2021) A Spatial Guided Self-supervised Clustering Network fo...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Guo, Yuyu; Bi, Lei; Ahn, Euijoon; Feng, Dagan; Wang, Quian; Kim, Jinman (2020) 2020 IEEE/CVF Confere...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Kumar, Ashnil; Feng, Dagan; Fulham, Michael; Kim, Jinman (2019) 2019 IEEE 16th Interna...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Bi, Lei; Kim, Jinman; Ahn, Euijoon; Feng, Dagan; Fulham, Michael (2017) 2017 IEEE 14th International...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Bi, Lei; Kim, Jinman; Ahn, Euijoon; Feng, Dagan; Fulham, Michael (2016) 2016 IEEE 13th International...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Bi, Lei; Kim, Jinman; Ahn, Euijoon; Feng, Dagan; Fulham, Michael (2016) 2016 IEEE 13th International...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Kumar, Ashnil; Kim, Jinman; Li, Changyang; Feng, Dagan; Fulham, Michael (2016) 2016 IE...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU
Ahn, Euijoon; Bi, Lei; Jung, Youn Hyun; Kim, Jinman; Li, Changyang; Fulham, Michael; Feng, David Dag...
Conference Publication Open Access ResearchOnline@JCU