Rachel Tan
- rachel.tan@jcu.edu.au
- Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Dr Rachel Tan graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) from the University of Sydney. After graduation, she entered mixed veterinary practice in regional New South Wales (Australia) before focusing on large animal medicine. After completion of an internship in equine medicine and surgery at the University of Sydney she attained membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Equine Medicine.
A residency in equine medicine at the University of Sydney was completed, during which time Dr Tan was employed as an equine registrar. As an equine registrar, her duties included management of the equine ambulatory, reproduction services, in-hospital cases and undergraduate veterinary student teaching. Following this residency, Dr Tan relocated to Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA) to complete a combined Masters and Residency Program in Large Animal Internal Medicine. She was nominated as chief resident for equine services during the last year of this program and attained veterinary speciality status with the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in Large Animal Internal Medicine. Veterinary teaching was also a dominant focus of her time spent in the USA.
Dr Rachel Tan is one of the founding faculty members of the undergraduate veterinary program at JCU and her research interests incorporate large and small animal species, in particular, horses, camelids and dogs.