Mal Fernando
- Adjunct Research Fellow
Dr. Mal Fernando is an adjunct post-doctoral research fellow who is affiliated with the QRCPVD, James Cook University. He leads a program of research focused on preventing and better managing diabetes-realated lower limb complications in Australia.
Dr. Fernando is dual trained in podiatry and medicine and completed his PhD in 2017. He is currently undertaking junior medical officer training in the Hunter New England area of New South Wales. He is affiliated with the Hunter Medical Research Institute and has a conjoint appointment as Research Fellow with the University of Newcastle and previously as Research Fellow with the School of Clinical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology.
Dr. Fernando has supervised a number of students to date and collaborates both nationally and internationally with leading reserachers. He was awarded a prestigious Fulbright scholarship in 2020 and was the 2020 AFPHM RACP John Snow prize finalist for Queensland. He has been awarded a number of other grants and awards in recognition of his research outcomes.