Janine Evans
- janine.evans1@my.jcu.edu.au
- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7647-1405
- Doctor of Philosophy (Society and Culture)
Janine holds Bachelor degrees in Nursing Science (1995) and Arts (2019). In 2013, Janine undertook a BA majoring in Political Science / International Relations and History. Her BA led to Honours in environmental history which received Class 1 High Distinction.
'A weed's guide to empire: An historical account of Lantana camara in colonial Australia, 1841-1914,' suggested that networks of trade and exchange in so-called useful plants such as lantana demonstrated how imperialism transformed Australia's landscape permanently.
Janine began her PhD in History in 2022, and her thesis is titled 'History of botanical illustration at the Endeavour River valley, north Queensland, Australia, 1770-1999. Janine's thesis will question the history of botanical illustration and its cultural association with the way plant portraits became a way of knowing nature. It combines visual culture with the history of science using botanical records.