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Hector Barrios-Garrido








Understanding the complex relationships among socio-economic and cultural values of marine megafauna species in different societies. It is important for informing decision-making takers, especially in developing countries. My main interests lie within the broad field of Marine Biology and Conservation, with special emphasis in the human dimensions looking to improve our understanding of the interactions among aquatic species, their habitats, and human societies. In particular, I am interested in identifying and evaluating the challenges and impacts of anthropogenic pressures on threatened species, and the potential mechanisms to reduce these impacts (through management conservation actions, or by understanding how species can adapt to changes).

Hector is an Associate Professor at the University of Zulia (Venezuela) , Founder-President of the Venezuelan NGO “Working Group on Marine Turtles of the Gulf of Venezuela – GTTM-GV”, member of the International Sea Turtle Society (ISTS), and the Marine Turtle Specialist Group-International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN MTSG). Hector holds a PhD from James Cook University in Environmental Science and Management, a Magister Scientiarum (Master of Science) in Aquatic Ecology (University of Zulia), and he is Licentiate in Biology (University of Zulia).

My current position at JCU as TropWATER Adjunct Research Fellow is Ad-Honorem.