reseracher placholder

Carlo Mattone








Carlo is a coastal and estuarine ecologist with a broad spectrum of research interests and experiences, which include marine invertebrates, fish, and water quality dynamics. Carlo has spent 10+ years doing research on a wide range of aspects of coastal ecology, most recently he focused on how water quality dynamics influence fauna at different trophic levels and how this shapes their interactions with their environment. Some of his most recent research investigated how connectivity and water quality influence the nursery ground value for some coastal fish. He aims to develop a better understanding of the processes that regulate ecological functions in coastal and estuarine systems to develop better management approaches. Additionally, most recently he started collaboration within JCU to develop artificial intelligence aimed at improving the way we collect and process data.


Research Advisor Accreditation
Advisor Type


Current JCU Research Students
The implications of climate changes on the ecology of small pelagic fish
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Trophic ecology and habitat use of juvenile rays in coastal intertidal flats
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Investigating the challenges and needs of small island developing states to develop improved processes for the monitoring of fouling marine invasive species
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)
Ecological and Environmental Characteristics of Nurseries of Fisheries Species, and Implications for the Management of Critical Fish Habitats
Doctor of Philosophy (Natural and Physical Sciences)