Identifying the water quality and ecosystem health threats to the Torres Strait from Fly River runoff (Old ID 26377)
Runoff from the Fly River in Papua New Guinea influences water quality conditions in the Torres Strait region. Recent work (NESP Project 2.2.1 and 2.2.2) has clearly demonstrated that this influence is largely constrained to the northern Torres Strait, as far east as Bramble Cay and at least as far west as Boigu Island. The intensity of this influence, and the potential ecological impacts, are still not well understood. Trace metal concentrations are higher in the northern Torres Strait around Boigu and Saibai, however it is not clear whether this enrichment is natural or the result of mine derived inputs of trace metals. Further investigation is required to understand the prevalence and frequency of the extension of this influence, including characterisation of plume constituents, particularly sediment and trace metals in comparison to previous results including the Torres Strait Baseline Study.
01 Jan 2019 - 10 Dec 2020
Project Type
Torres Straig;Water Quality;Fly River;Fine Sediment;metal contamination;land runoff
Funding Body
Department of the Environment and Energy
Project Team
Eric Wolanski;Dieter Tracey;Jon Brodie;Caroline Petus