Novel reproductive approaches to de-risk and transform barramundi breeding (Old ID 31145)
Principal Investigator
Demand for Australian seafood outstrips supply. Farming of the iconic Australian barramundi is poised to play a major role addressing this shortfall; but innovative methods are needed to de-risk breeding processes and to provide precise control of maturation, spawning and genetic contribution of broodstock. This project, in partnership with the world’s largest barramundi breeding company, will develop, test and apply novel breeding methods to obtain tight control over barramundi reproductive development and spawning. By combining cutting edge genetic and applied breeding techniques, selective breeding programs will be more efficient and the genetic gains from breeding programs will be maximised.
01 May 2024 - 16 Sep 2027
Project Type
Barramundi;Reproduction;Selective Breeding;Aquaculture;Genetics
Funding Body
Australian Research Council (ARC), Mainstream Aquaculture
Project Team
Dean Jerry