Coral Reef Health in the Coral Sea Marine Park (Old ID 24771)

Department of the Environment and Energy

Principal Investigator


A number of coral reefs occur in the Australian Marine Parks estate, particularly within the Coral Sea Marine Park (CSMP). In 2016 and 2017, coral reefs in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and CSMP were impacted by a mass global coral bleaching event. Regular surveys of coral bleaching and associated reef health in the CSMP are needed to inform future marine park management over the next three years to either enable comparisons against historical baselines where bleaching has previously occurred, or set new baselines for areas that aren’t bleached but may be in the future.


05 Mar 2018 - 05 Jul 2020

Project Type



Coral Reefs;Monitoring;Coral Bleaching;Coral Sea Marine Park

Funding Body

Department of the Environment and Energy



Project Team

Hugo Harrison;Andrew Hoey;Andrew Baird;Tom Bridge